Dr Shail Jaggi: Busting Dental Myths Cont’d

Such a wonderful weekend, gaiety, colour, celebration, dhol tasha and the echoing of Ganapati Bappa Morya all around. There’s a frenzied energy in the air and it feels so good.

Amid all the celebration I did manage to find the time to write and I am back again this week to bust the remainder of the myths:

  • Myth : I need to align my teeth real quick to look great and have no time for braces. Crowns are my only solution.
  • Busted: The practice you go to should be doing Non Invasive dentistry. Ask for aligners. They work well for plenty of cases and get done in four to six weeks. You may actually get away with minimal amount of damage and dental work.
  • Myth: Tooth-whitening damages teeth and enamel
  • Busted: Tooth-whitening is the quickest, safest and easiest way of getting that dazzling smile you’ve always wanted. Tooth-whitening like ‘ZOOM’ or Opalescence only work on the stains of the teeth and don’t damage teeth at all. But be cautious enough to let your dentist decide what whitening works best for you. Over the counter whitening can damage those pearly whites! Make sure you ask your Dentist Greene about their whitening services next time you go for an appointment.
  • Myth: I completely avoid sugar. I will never get any cavities
  • Busted: Totally untrue. Any food that breaks down and produces acids will have the potential to cause cavities or decay. The list is long and includes sugar, fruits, vegetables, rice and bread. So it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene and limit the intake of any acid producing foods
  • Myth: I have an ulcer in my mouth for a long time now. It irritates me but doesn’t trouble me. I don’t think I need to see a dentist
  • Busted: A non-healing ulcer could be dangerous and needs to be looked at immediately as it could mean certain soft tissue changes taking place leading to a cancerous lesion. If you’re a smoker and a diabetic the chances are higher. Any non-healing lesion for more than two weeks in the mouth – painful or non-painful – needs immediate attention
  • Myth: I have some new crowns done for my front teeth but the colour does not match my natural teeth. It will start matching in some days
  • Busted: If the shade of your ceramic crowns does not match to start with, it’s never going to match. Remember ceramic never discolours or changes colour. It’s never going to change colour to match your natural teeth! Please ask your dentist to replace them immediately
  • Myth: I have crowded teeth and I was told braces is only for teenagers. Is that true?
  • Busted: It’s a complete myth that adults can’t have orthodontic treatment. Adult orthodontics is very common and plenty of patients can opt for lingual orthodontics or ceramic braces so that the braces are not seen. If they opt for this treatment, then the idea of learning how to prepare for braces comes in handy, as this can be a lengthy process.

    The only additional care that adults need will be a thorough evaluation of their gum condition so there is no bone loss during treatment. There have also been massive advancements in the mapping of a patients teeth and gums. For example, using smart technology such as DIBS AI has created, the identification of spacial issues for aligners or braces, as well as the 3D printing of these uniquely designed braces, has become much easier to complete from start to finish, while also becoming a much faster service for creating unique and suitable braces for those of any age, that wish to have perfectly-aligned and spaced teeth!

With that I come to yet another myth-busting session. These are common misconceptions I face in my day-to-day work. If you have any apprehensions, please feel free to write back and communicate at editorial@pune365.com so I can bust a myth for you. Happy smiling!

Dr Shail Jaggi