Summer of ’17- Fun & Care for your Pet’s

Ice Cube Encounters:

They are perfect for dogs in summer. Give them two or three to lick in the afternoon, or freeze chicken soup into ice cubes and give them those as a flavourful treat. For dogs and cats who don’t drink water, treats like this are a good way to add water to the diet.

Ice cream Slurps:

Just like we enjoy licking ice cream, so do our pets. Vanilla is the safest to serve, just make sure your scoop is small. Avoid giving it straight out of the freezer. Let it stand out for a bit before you serve your pets.

Swimming Surprise:

A lot of kennels in the city offer your pooch swimming sessions. Take them there and get them to splash, shake and get all happy with the exercise. Most such facilities encourage first timers to take a dip in such a way that they are soon running back many times for more. If your dog is good on the recall command, you can go swimming outdoors, as long as you know that the water (lake, pond, river) you let your dog in is safe.

Fan Minutes:

Time spent lazing under the fan is welcomed by pets and parents both. The AC too, is much sought after by the entire family. Most dogs and cats will be happy to snore away under fans, in a fort of coolers and air conditioners for hours. Ensure that your pets don’t get out of the air conditioner directly into a hot room or straight into sunny outdoors.

Don’t Shave:

Hot weather does not mean you give your dog a shave. Dog coats are structured to be there, to regulate body temperature. Shaving exposes their skin to harsh sunlight and can damage the dog’s skin. Unless medically needed do not shave your dog or cat. You can give them a haircut.

Shedding Shedding:

It’s that time of the year when pets shed and there is fur flying all over your house. Shedding is normal for most pets, but sometimes the volume of fur lost can be a cause for concern. These tips to reduce your cat’s shedding should address any underlying condition your cat may have. As for the owner, check the diet to rule out any food-induced allergies or other problems before thinking there are problems relating to cat or dog fur. Get a lint roller, bring out the vacuum cleaner, and look for the best pet carpet cleaner for your home too! Most importantly, brush your pet twice a day to minimise fur decorating your house.

Eating Less:

This is a common reaction to the heat. Pet parents worry about their dog eating less. Just like we don’t feel like eating much nor do dogs. Long as their activity levels and other health parameters are fine don’t worry. If there is anything unusual, call your veterinarian.


  • No walks between 11 am and 5 pm – when the sun is terribly hot.
  • No extra cuddling as your pet is already uncomfortable with the heat and may react by snapping.
  • Play hide and seek games at home so they are entertained.
  • Cats find cool spots, often inaccessible. Just keep a track of their whereabouts.
  • Organise a playdate so you can chill with pet parents while your dog/cat gets his friend to play with!
Uma Karve Chakranarayan