Declaring Breakdowns by Sameer Dua

Sameer Dua, Founder and CEO, The Institute for Generative Leadership has recently launched his book ‘Declaring Breakdowns: Powerfully Creating a Future that Matters, through 6 Simple Steps’. It deals with mastering the art and science of generating breakthrough results in each area of our lives. Dua invites individuals, teams and organisations to get skilled in creating a future of design, rather than that of  drift.

In her forward to the book, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Chairperson, Biocon, writes: “From the leadership perspective, the next big thing after  disruptive thinking would be to actively declare breakdowns.”

The 221-page book, published by Sage and is priced at Rs 395. It is available on Amazon at Rs 266.

Meanwhile, Dua’s second book, in the area of generative leadership, is nearing completion and will be released early next year.

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