#Archives: Photo Feature : A Day At Mahatma Phule Mandai

It all begins here
Copyright: Pune365
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Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city life, the structure of Mahatma Phule Mandai has remained intact over the years.

On October 5, 2018 the oldest vegetable market in Pune completed 133 years. This mandai is known for selling fresh produce of a variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

The construction of the mandai was completed in 1886 under the British rule and was inaugurated by the then Governor of Bombay, Lord Reay. At the time, it was also used as the office of the Poona Municipal Council. The mandai covers around eight acres and there are eight different sides. Specific types of foods are sold on each side of the mandai. The open space at this structure was earlier used a space for the masses to essentially gather for the celebration of Ganeshotsav and other political and social rallies.

This photo feature captures the different moods that surround the vendors at the mandai. It also highlights the diversity in the yield of fruits and vegetables that are sold there.

#Photos,Text : Sanket Wankhade- From The Pune365 Archives