#Furholics: Meet The Queen Of The Keskar Home- Dimpy!

Furholics - Dimpy

Apurva Keskar was always fond of pets and the moment she decided the time was right, she chose to find a dog that she could adopt…

“I thought adoption is the best way to bring another member into the family, says Apurva Keskar, Assistant Professor.

I met her at an adoption camp on 8th February 2015- She was 4 months old and the oldest pup. She suffered from a skin disorder and hence was kept away from the other small puppies. 

Furholics - DimpyWhen I first looked at her, she wagged her tail in response and that that one wag was enough to bring her to the family.

Without even having a second thought, Dimpy was brought home, says Apurva. Initially, I wasn’t aware of what the skin infection was, through it looked more than just a dry skin problem.

She had a rash all over her body and was shedding hair all over the house. After examining her throughly, the vet discovered that it was scabies and it was already too late.

“It was very difficult to manage as my dad also started getting a fungal infection) through Dimpy. Giving her away or abandoning was something that everyone suggested, but not even once could I think of that…

I decided to give my whole attention and time to nurse Dimpy back to good health. And finally, the efforts paid off and Dimpy turned out to be a healthy beautiful girl.  

Dimpy was healthy and smiling, running all over the place like never before…

Furholics - Dimpy with Apurva

On her character, Apurva says, “ Dimpy is open to greet humans, but it takes her a while to socialise with other dogs.  She is fond of exploring new things and we go to the beach, take hikes and long walks.

Dimpy is a true Punekar so we dare not disturb her between 1-4pm.

Furholics - Dimpy Memes

Her eating habits are also typically Pune style and she eats vegetarian food.

Once a week my dad brings in some special meaty treats.

Dimpy eats everything, including misal loaded with farsan at times.

Dimpy is a diehard lover of Aamras and Laddus, and I bet there is no one in the world who will say no to such a cute face, Apurva adds.

Apurva speaks a lot about how animals should be treated like humans and that’s the reason why Dimpy is known as the queen of the house.  From eating with the family, to sleeping with them on their bed. They do everything together.

Furholics - Dimpy

It’s been 3 years and we have become inseparables and I cannot imagine living a life without Dimpy in it.

My entire world is surrounded by Dimpy and nothing feels as great as being with her. We try to keep her happy always and so does she!

Little does she know that her very presence makes us happy and she need not do anything more, adds Apurva.

The best thing about Dimpy is she loves to enjoy each moment of her life and that’s the most inspiring thing about her.

My parents love her much like the third child for them, and we protect her like our younger sibling, says Apurva signing off.


# And Here’s A Big Hug For Dimpy From Pune 365!

Ankita Malekar