Rajput War Scene

Artist: Nikhil Shankar

Age: 12 years

Medium: Poster paints and oil pastels

Nikhil Shankar

CURATED BY VCW ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS: This is one of the best interpretations and illustrations of war by a 12 year old boy. There is so much detailing but with minimum number of people. He has given the effect of many warriors fighting in the front. There is a smoky effect of dust due to horse riders riding, enemies dying and weapons coming out of the smoke with the Red Fort at the background. The composition sets the scenario for Rajput fighters in a historical time.

VCW Academy Of Fine Arts
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A unique art showcase featuring creative children from Pune curated by Pune’s very own artist couple Minoo and Sheil Sadwelkar of VCW fame (Established in 1969 in Mumbai,  restructured in Pune in 1999). The VCW Academy Of Fine Arts is known for its passion to nurture young artistic talent in our city. Pune’s budding artists will get an opportunity to showcase their art five days a week through this column. Send in your entries at editorial@pune365.com