Grumpy And Honey Are A Houseful Of Fun!

Two Girls = A Lot Of Love, Positive Energy And A Very Happy House.

One was rescued in Bangalore, the other in Pune. One is the Yin, the other the Yang. Both have  enough love to give and to get. Welcome to Grumpy, Honey and their full time very proud parents, Vidya and Samik Biswas’s home. Both software professionals are completely in love with their daughters.

The Girls

If she can’t feel Grumpy, Vidya can’t sleep. Not a play on words this sentence, for Grumpy is Vidya’s eight year old desi!

Just my hand on her and I’m asleep instantly. Otherwise I’m left tossing and turning. Travelling is so difficult, says Vidya.

And when she does travel, Vidya is sure to look through her phone gallery that is 99 per cent full of Grumpy and Honey’s pods and videos. “It relaxes me,” she smiles. That’s an emotion a lot of us would agree with.

Honey, Grumpy’s younger sibling is daddy’s girl.

So much so that once Samik returns from work, she completely forgets Vidya. “This, after I looked after her when we found her in agony lying by the roadside with broken forelegs. Honey went through three surgeries and has a rod and a wire in her leg. Samik was travelling on work so it was just Grumpy Honey and me during her difficult days.

And yet, when she sees Samik, its all over between us, sighs Vidya, wondering at her younger girl.

The Energy

Grumpy is the alpha of the pack, the high energy one while seven year old Honey is street smart and generally cool about things till she sees a cat. Then all hell breaks lose. Both are fine with girls talking to and petting them, but not men. “Perhaps it has something to do with their experiences on the street before we adopted them,’’ thinks Vidya

The Home

Since Vidya has the luxury of working from home, the girls are not left alone everyday.

Grumpy’s ears will follow Vidya’s voice and her eyes will track her movements all over the house. “I’m their butler and waitress,” grins Vidya picking up a toy that’s out of place.

“Samik really spoils them. At meal times, they will sit on either side of Samik like sentinels and stare into his plate. He can’t resist feeding them. They don’t try it as much with me because they know I disallow it.

If i keep them in another room, Samik gets upset so they are back at the table,” she laughs.

Guilt Factor

Coming home to their like and wags is the most important thing for her. “The house eats me up, it is so empty when we have to leave them in the kennel. I can’t deal with it, so their days at the kennel are restricted,’’ she explains. The looks the girls give her when they are dropped at the kennel always work to make feel Vidya terribly guilty.

“I know they are well looked after and they enjoy being outdoors. But I know exactly what happens to parents when their human children go camping or to study in a hostel,” she adds.

Now we know why they are called fur babies 🙂


Uma Karve Chakranarayan