We’re Going to the Movies today, the Missus and I

Image used for representation only

It’s quite a nice thing to do on a holiday, watch a movie. Which movie doesn’t matter quite as much after you’re a parent – the fact that you get to go for a movie is in itself a cause for intense celebration, and the specifics don’t really matter.

Rather, it is the experience of the movie that counts. The air-conditioned environment, the plush seats that recline all the way back, the impressive sound system – these are things to be enjoyed while watching a movie. Alas, with the good comes the bad, and into each life some rain must fall.

And in the life of the movie-watcher, the rain takes the form of are-you-effing-kidding-me prices for absolutely everything in the theater. They have the regular tub of popcorn, which looks large enough to feed a mouse that is on a rather strict diet, they have the large size, which holds two more kernels of popcorn than the regular size, and they have the jumbo size, which could keep Rwanda going for a week or two. The trouble is, the jumbo size retails for an amount that closely resembles the distance between the sun and Pluto. And after you make sure that you have heard correctly, and your leg is not being pulled, you bite the bullet and ask for one.

At which point you remember that the missus had also asked for a cup of coffee (and no sugar, please. Make sure there’s no sugar!). And so you ask for a coffee, and are informed that the cost of that cup will be the size of India’s fiscal deficit. You feel the tips of your ear turn a generous shade of maroon, as you inform the impassive guy on the other side of the counter that you are planning on buying only one cup, and not one cup for everybody present in the theatre.

The guy, no doubt having heard the joke a million times before, laughs politely, but informs you that the rate is non-negotiable. And so, muttering thoughts to yourself under your breath, you make your way back to the damned reclining-all-the-way seats.

And so what if the damn theater is air-conditioned, you think to yourself as you sit back in your suddenly impoverished state. It’s the bare minimum that ought to be provided considering the rates we pay, by god.

Ashish Kulkarni