Does general dental health affect your body?

Sometimes I sit and think I’ve seen so many teeth and oral cavities in my life. That it’s not funny. 18 years of work and approximately eight hours a day. That’s plenty!

But the one thing that fascinated me right from my academic days and continues to fascinate me even today is how sometimes a patient’s mouth can tell me a story about them. When they say the oral cavity is the window to the body, I couldn’t agree more.
Ever wondered why your dentist and most advertisements you see harp on brushing, flossing and plaque reduction and germs? These terms are actually deeply linked to your overall well-being.

Are you wondering how?
The Oral Cavity is teeming with millions of bacteria. Most of these are however harmless, unless they increase in proportion where they can take dangerous proportions and cause problems.Therefore the brushing flossing regime is more important than you think. If you brush and floss you can keep the bacteria under control, don’t let them multiply and chances are you’re going to lead a much healthier life. In relation to flossing and dental hygiene, it may be in your best interest to look into an article such as The Great Debate: Dental Floss VS. Toothpicks, to step up your oral hygiene. This is really important, so this could be something worth looking into.

Got a Medical Condition?
If you suffer from any of the medical conditions listed below you need to be extra careful about your Oral Health. It might be wise to have a word with a professional Dentist Frederick regarding the best ways to approach your dental health if you suffer from any of these.

Heart Diseases: Research has shown that Oral bacteria may cause inflammation and infection which may be linked to and cause or aggravate heartdiseases, stroke or clogged arteries

Pregnancy: Regular Dental evaluation is a must during pregnancy. There are plenty of hormonal changes your body is going through. The gums are the first to get affected. Make sure you don’t have a gum problem as they can cause Premature Birth and Low Birth Weight.So make sure you have an impeccable oral condition during those nine months.

Endocarditis: Is a condition in which the lining of the heart is damaged. Bacteria travelling from the mouth into the blood stream and onto the damaged heart wall can cause irreversible damage. Sometimes even life threatening. Make sure your dentist is aware of a situation like this. Patients with Endocarditis need to be treated with utmost care and under antibiotic cover.

Diabetes: You need to maintain very good Oral Care if you’re a diabetic patient. Research shows thatthe gums are more prone to infection, bone loss is more rapid and healing with even routine dental procedures can be greatly delayed leading to early, loss of teeth and more complications with dental surgical work.

HIV/AIDS: These patients are generally more immune compromised and the smallest bit of neglect can cause painful oral sores, non-healingulcers. Good Oral health for these patients is mandatory not optional.

Osteoporosis: If you have osteoporosis chances are there may be some damage to your jaw bones with the medication prescribed. Be judicious with all your medication and don’t forget to see your dentist as part of a daily routine.

The impact of oral health on the body is a relatively new area of study. Some other mouth-body connections under current investigation include: Rheumatoid Arthritis. Treating periodontal disease has been shown to reduce pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

Lung Conditions. Periodontal disease may make pneumonia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worse, possibly by increasing the amount of bacteria in the lungs.

Obesity:Two studies have linked obesity to gum disease. It appears that periodontitis progresses more quickly in the presence of higher body fat.

Quick Tips for Protecting Your Oral Health:

1.Brushing /Flossing: Keep the bacterial activity under control with brushing and flossing however clichéd it may sound. If you suffer from a condition, you need to be even more cautious and careful.

2. Medications: Certainmedications, such as decongestants, antihistamines, painkillers, diuretics and antidepressants can reduce saliva flow. Saliva washes away food and neutralises acids produced by bacteria in the mouth, helping to protect you from microbial invasion or overgrowth that might lead to disease. Drink plenty of water if salivary flow is reduced,it helps to keep your oral cavity squeaky clean.

3. Illness: Just recovered from an illness, sinusitis, cold?Change your tooth brush. Research suggests you could be re introducing all the bacteria into your mouth and increasing susceptibility.

4.Tobacco /Smoking: These reduce blood flow to the mouth by constricting the blood vessels. Surgical healing in your mouth may get delayed or painful. Tobacco and smoking are an absolute no. If you are really struggling to quit smoking then try a vape pen to work towards being tobacco-free.

I’m hoping you get more serious with brushing! Till I see you again next week, I sign off for now!

Shail JaggiDr Shail Jaggi is a passionate dentist with specialisation in cosmetic dentistry and endodontics. She manages an Advanced Microscope Enhanced Practice – Dentalwiz dealing with all aspects of dentistry. Dr Jaggi is recipient of ‘Outstanding Dentist Of The Year -2015′

Dr Shail Jaggi