#FurholicsCare- Giving Your Dogs A Pleasant Summer

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Come Summer and our outdoor activities are limited to early mornings and late evenings…

Dogs find it equally uncomfortable to walk in the scorching heat and they find it difficult to stay outdoors. Heat stroke is a reality that we must do everything to avoid.

Keeping them inside isn’t enough and it does require you to take steps to keep them comfortable even indoors in the summer.

Pet Care - Summer
Image for representation only

Heres how you can have your dogs cool off indoors and in cool places:

• Make them a treat! Freeeze some milk with a dash of honey and a mashed banana. Give that for an afternoon treat. Occasionally, vanilla ice-cream is a great treat too!?

• Invest in a giant tub. Top it up once a week in the shade of your garden terrace or indoors for a great big splash. If indoors, remember the bathroom floor is going to get terribly wet. Keep a lot of towels handy Remember, you must always towel dry!

• Go for an early morning run or a longer walk so that your dog is tired and happy to snooze through the long summer afternoons. Repeat in the evening!

• Buttermilk is a nice 4 pm snack. On terribly hot days, ice cubes are crunchy treats. You can freeze chicken stock and give those in the form of cubes too.

• Keep the house cool. Keeping the house cool by opening the windows, turning the fans on, and of course, installing an ac unit using air conditioning jacksonville based services will subsequently keep your dog, and you, nice and cool.

• Find a safe waterbody close to home and go there – when the sun is not in its element. Check that there are no broken bottles lying around or any rusty nails that can harm your dog and you. See that the water is clean and the current clear. Your dogs will enjoy a swim with you. Yet again, ensure you towel dry.

You can also take them to one of the many swimming pools available for pets. Here too, before you let your dog jump in check that the water is clean and as always towel dry.

If you use the AC at home, do not walk your dog out of the cool air-conditioned room, straight into the summer blast Play seek games at home so doggy doesnt get bored.
Keep the fan on!

And yes, give them all the love they are used to and some more!

Uma Karve Chakranarayan