Furholics, In conversation with Rina Salvi, Joey and Kallu

Joey with Rina

Architect Rina Salvi was a dog person. Then she got Joey and found love in cats as well!

Fur love

Rina Salvi is considering installing a little water fountain at home because her Joey likes to look at running water and to drink from a tap! Kallu, her other is not so particular about this. Both came to her as adult cats. Her sister, Mansi Salvi Jaiswal, drove Joey from a kennel in Bangalore where he was abandoned to Rina’s house. Kallu was a originally Mansi’s cat. Once, he travelled with her to Pune and decided he liked to stay with Joey more!

The cat family

Kallu and Joey

A dog person initially, Rina fell in love with Joey and now fosters cats. “My work keeps me away from home for a few days at a time, also my work hours are long so managing a dog is difficult. Cats are good, long as they get food,” she smiles. Joey is an easy cat who doesn’t demand anything except food and doesn’t believe in sharing it. Kallu on the other hand is very noisy and needs to be given a lot of attention. The regular visitor to the home is the queen Phoebe. “She eats only the best of packaged food and refuses to be house bound,” sighs Rina.

Being a foster

Fostering kittens at home is not always easy. “Kittens love to eat Joey’s food which is not good for their stomachs. Joey sulks when he is forced to share his food. Kallu and Joey don’t like sharing their space, especially when I let the kittens sleep on the bed and keep Joey and Kallu out of the room,” she says. So Kallu mews more and bites her and Joey pees on her favourite stoles, her bags and her blanket. “I just wash everything quietly because this is his way of teaching me a lesson,” smiles Rina.

The reason

Kallu with Rina


Joey gets his regular grooming sessions from a groomer while Kallu with less fur manages to keep himself spic and span. And every time Rina travels, or works late, she can’t wait to reach home, for her cats are her reason to go home!


Persian cats need to be groomed twice a day and given a bath every fortnight while Indian cats just need to get their eyes cleaned regularly. Joey is more moody and temperamental while Kallu is very calm most of the time. “Having said that, I think Persian cats are quieter and like to be with themselves. Kallu needs human comfort more often. But, when they go out, I worry about Joey getting stolen because he is a “pedigree,” she adds.

Uma Karve Chakranarayan