The Essence Of Life, Refrigerated

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Extensive reflections are something that your columnist excels in. This has often resulted in deep, philosophical questions of an extremely ruminative nature – ones that simply can’t be resolved easily. For example, in the popular television series Friends, have you ever noticed a place where the characters store their footwear?

Not once, across the entire ten seasons that they entertain us, do they ever keep their shoes in a shelf. How, I ask you gentle reader, unrealistic is that?

And during one such intellectual sojourn, I came to an important realisation: one that, I believe will help us all become better global citizens, for we shall have a better understanding of both ourselves, as well as all others.

In order to achieve that higher level of understanding, you must ask and answer for yourselves this crucial question: does food taste better when it is straight out of the refrigerator?

For it is my contention that it is impossible to be equivocal about this: either your lips curled up in disgust and you recoiled in horror at the very thought, or you smiled as you thought about that last slice of cold pizza that you devoured only yesterday. Nobody, I aver, is on the fence where this is concerned.

The Missus, for example, bless her heart – she belongs to the former category.

I dabble in many things, but there is no field I excel in as much as in my ability to bring about expressions of disgusted awe on her face.

My innate modesty compels me to not be too boastful, but there have been occasions when I have managed the feat while doing absolutely nothing at all. But said expression is a guaranteed presence whenever I transfer victuals from the fridge into the tummy without a microwave detour.

Me, on the other hand, I am of the honest opinion that cold food tastes just as good, if not better than when heated up. Burgers, pizzas, grilled meats all manage an exquisite concentration of flavour when dragged out cold from the fridge. (Pro-Tip: If you really want to know what I’m talking about, buy samosas from your favourite shop, and resist the temptation to gobble them up. Keep them in the fridge, and savour them the morning after. You’ll want to thank me with tears streaming down your face, believe me)

Anyways, as I was saying earlier, it is the answer to this question that neatly segregates humanity into one class or the other.

Are you a heater-upper, or are you a just-as-it-is eater? I believe it is crucial to understand your own tastes and preferences – but it is imperative that one understands that people exist on the other side of the divide as well. The sooner you make peace with who you are, and with the realisation that people exist who do not walk your chosen path, the closer we will find ourselves to long lasting global peace.

Now, if one could only convince the Missus.



Ashish Kulkarni